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Langlet D "Effect of bioturbation by benthic foraminifera on dissolved fluxes (nitrogen and oxygen) at the water-sediment interface" Funded by the Hauts-de-France State (with VMP Bouchet, University of Lille, France)


PhD students

Pavard JC (2019-...) "Towards a foraminiferal biotic index to assess the health of transitional and estuarine waters in Normandie and Hauts de France (English Channel, North France)" (with VMP Bouchet, University of Lille).


Moisez E (2017-…) “Effects of climate change on intertidal biodiversity” (with N. Spilmont, University of Lille, France)


Master students (2nd year)

Delaeter C (2019) "Ichnology of modern and fossil traces: towards an understanding of the evolution of foraging behaviour complexity"





Schapira M (2006-2008) “Microscale plankton ecology at the water-sediment interface in contrasted temperate habitats” ARC funded

(now Research Scientist, French Institute for the Exploration of the Sea, France)


Leterme S (2007) “Ecological significance of nanostructure pore architecture of diatom frustules” ARC funded

(now Associate Professor, Flinders University, Australia)


Leterme S (2006) “Study of dinoflagellates cysts survival and germination in port waters” Industry (PIRSA) and FR3CE funded

(now Associate Professor, Flinders University, Australia)


English L (2006-2007) “Identification and abundances of bacterial and viral populations in the Southern Ocean” ARC funded

(now Administrator for the Bioinformatics Centre, Imperial College, London, UK)


Spilmont N (2005-2006) “In situ heterogeneity of microphytobenthos and macrofauna distributions and synergistic interactions” ARC funded

(now Associate Professor, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France)


Waters RL (2004-2005) "Effect of physically- and biologically-driven seawater viscosity on phytoplankton motility" Funded by the French Ministry of Research

(now Associate Director, Washington Sea Grant, Seattle, USA)



MD students

Montauzé J (2004-2006) “Escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneuum) food poisoning in a collective catering service” Université du Droit et de la Santé-Lille 2, Faculté de Médecine Henri Warembourg, France

(now General Practitioner in Lille, France)


PhD students 

Roveillo Q (2016-2019) “Trapping of active particles in foams”. University Denis Diderot – Paris 7 (with F. Elias, University Paris Diderot, France)


Cribb N (2014-2017) “Habitat characteristics of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus: application to management and conservation” Flinders University, Australia


Chapperon C (2009-2012) “Thermal ecology of intertidal gastropods” Flinders University, Australia.


Rogers P (2008-2012) “Movement patterns and foraging dynamics of pelagic sharks in southern Australia: determining critical habitats, hotspots and migratory pathways to enhance policy development and management” Flinders University & South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia

(now Senior Scientist, South Australian Research and Development Institute, West Beach, Australia)


Van Dongen-Vogels V (2008-2012) “Microscale distribution of phytoplankton communities: in situ optical assessment” Flinders University, Australia.


Paterson J (2008-2012) “Space-time dynamics of microbial communities in relation to a coastal upwelling” Flinders University, Australia.


Newton K (2006-2012) “Characterisation of viral taxonomic groups” Flinders University, Australia.

 (now Senior Scientist, SA Water, Adelaide, Australia)


Lavery P (2006-2012) “On the importance of marine mammal induced turbulence in fine-scale transport of nutrient” Flinders University, Australia (with JG Mitchell, Flinders University, Australia)

(now Assistant Director, Department of the Environment, Australia Government, Canberra, Australia)


Jeffries T (2006-2012) “Metagenomics of microbial and viral communities” Flinders University, Australia (with JG Mitchell, Flinders University, Australia)

(now Lecturer at Western Sydney University, Australia)


Hasnun Ismail (2007-2011) “Effect of temperature, salinity, food quality and quantity on life history and behaviour of the euryhaline cladoceran Daphniopsis australis” Flinders University, Australia (with J Quin, Flinders University, Australia)

(now Senior Lecturer at Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis, Malaysia)


Doubell MJ (2003-2007) “Physical and biological controls of centimeter and millimeter scale phytoplankton patchiness” Flinders University, Australia (with JG Mitchell, Flinders University, Australia)

(now Senior Research Scientist, South Australian Research and Development Institute, West Beach, Australia)


Devreker D (2004-2007) “Development of biological indices based on the population dynamics of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France (with S Souissi, University of Lille, France)

(now Research Scientist, French Institute for the Exploration of the Sea, Boulogne sur Mer, France)


Schapira M (2001-2004) “Phytoplankton nitrogen uptake in the eastern English Channel: effects of nutrient pulses and turbulence” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France (With V Gentilhomme, University of Lille, France)

(now Research Scientist, French Institute for the Exploration of the Sea, Nantes, France)


Seymour JR (2002-2005) “Microscale investigations of virio- and bacterioplankton abundance and activity” Flinders University, Australia (with JG Mitchell, Flinders University, Australia)

(now Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia)


Kesaulya I (2001-2005) “Effects of microscale phytoplankton distribution on seawater viscosity” Flinders University, Australia (with JG Mitchell, Flinders University, Australia)

(now Senior Lecturer, Universitats Pattimura, Indonesia)


Research students (Honours)

Hennion C (2016-2017) “Social, orientation and aggregation behaviours in the limpet Patella vulgata” University of Lille – Sciences and Technology, France.


White S (2009) “Differential temporal haul-out dynamics of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Strat of Dover: impacts of anthropogenic disturbance” Flinders University, Australia.


Segawa T (2009) “Temporal dynamics of marine mammal sightings and strandings in South Australia waters: links to hydroclimatic forcing” Flinders University, Australia.


Russell M (2009) “Planktonic metabolism: the regulation of community production and respiration in aquatic ecosystems” Flinders University, Australia.


Hunt T (2009) “A preliminary examination of spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) diurnal behaviour and site fidelity at a reef complex in Fijian waters” Flinders University, Australia.


Roudnew B (2008) “Microbial abundance in water, pore water, and sediment along a salinity gradient and across the hyporheic zone” Flinders University, Australia.


Winn K (2008) “Heavy metals implications on bone loss and renal pathology in the Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea, and the Australian fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri” Flinders University, Australia.


Kho L (2008) “The effect of anthropogenic noise on the acoustic behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the Port River, Adelaide” Flinders University, Australia.


McLoud C (2008) “Swimming behavior and energetics of South Australian ostracods” Flinders University, Australia.


Beckman C (2008) “Using photographic identification to determine the behavioural ecology of the Great White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias)” Flinders University, Australia.


Lee S (2008) “Microbial communities associated with corals” Flinders University, Australia.


Jay K (2008) “Behavioural complexity and anthropogenically-driven stress in the common dolphin Tursiops aduncus and the Southern Right Whale Eubalaena australis” Flinders University, Australia.


Pollet T (2006-2007) “Microscale gradient in exo- and ectoenzymatic bacterial activity” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Paterson J (2007) “Microscale interface gradient in microbial population” Flinders University, Australia


Daniel Ashcroft (2006) “Viral production in Antarctic waters” Flinders University, Australia


Leterme C (2002-2003) “Microscale distribution of microphytobenthos and benthic bacteria” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France


Leterme S (2001-2002) “Microscale variability of phytoplankton biomass in a turbulent ecosystem: the Eastern English Channel” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France



Master students (2nd year)

Moisez E (2017) “Sensory ecology of intertidal gastropods” University of Lille – Sciences and Technology, France.


Hennion C (2016) “Abundance and diversity of intertidal fauna and flora on anthropogenic surfaces” University of Lille – Sciences and Technology, France.


Laby L (2013) “Behavioral ecology of the invasive crab species Hemigrapsus sanguineus” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Le Bris C (2010) “Aggregation and thermoregulation in the intertidal gastropod Nerita atramentosa: mechanistic links and inter-habitat variability” University of Brest, France.


Herfurth D (2008) “Impact of increased seawater viscosity on the feeding behaviour of calanoid copepods” Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France.


Chaperon C (2007) “Motion patterns of intertidal snails : trail following and aggregation behaviours” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Buscot MJ (2007) “Identification of viral and bacterial communities in contrasted South Australian ecosystems” Université Pierre & Marie Curie, France.


Lacheze C (2003-2004) “Three-dimensional heterogeneity of phytoplankton biomass” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Thullier B (2003-2004) “Microscale three-dimensional distribution of pelagic bacteria” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France (with F Artigas).


Kiszka J (2003-2004) “Impact of environmental forcings on habitat choice in marine mammals” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Nihongi A (1999-2000) “Fine-scale study of the vertical structure of a tidally mixed water column” Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan.


Fugii  H (1999-2000) “Development and calibration of a laboratory Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system against Acoustic Doppler Velocymetry” Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan.



Master students (1st year)

 Valera S (2018) “Behavioural effects of pharmaceutical stimulants (caffeine) and antidepressants (fluoxetine) on the photophobic behaviour of the invasive crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus” Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France


Themelin M (2018) “Behavioural complexity in captive sea lions”. Université d’orsay, Paris, France.


Negrier A (2018) “Effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors on the geotactic behaviour of the intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea under various conditions of pH” Université de Lille – Sciences et Technologies, France.


Lerman M (2018) “Qualification and quantification of macroplastics on the intertidal ecosystems of the eastern English Channel” Université de Lille – Sciences et Technologies, France.


Anquetin J (2018) “Qualification and quantification of microplastics on the intertidal ecosystems of the eastern English Channel” Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France.


Moisez E (2016) “Morphology, polymorphism and shell strength in a family of intertidal gastropods: an evolutive adaptation to hydroclimatic forcings?” Université of Lille - Sciences et Technologies, France.


Laventure M (2016) “Behavioural plasticity of the intertidal gastropod Hydrobia ulvae to hydroclimatic stressors” Université of Lille - Sciences et Technologies, France.


Parent F (2016) “Behaviour and thermal ecology of the intertidal gastropod Patella vulgata” Université of Lille - Sciences et Technologies, France.


Vervaeke C (2014) “Laboratory assessment of the thermal tolerance of the intertidal gastropod Nucella lapillus” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France. 


Cardona M (2013) “Thermal ecology of the intertidal gastropod Nucella lapillus” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France. 


Boulidard C (2013) “Behavioral ecology of the intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea: response to hydrodynamical disturbances” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Herfurth D (2006) “Impact of increased seawater viscosity on the feeding behaviour of the calanoid copepodTemora longicornis” Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France.


Chapperon C (2006) “Patterns of aggregation in the intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea on an exposed rocky shore” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Duponchel AC (2006) “Movement patterns of the intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea on an exposed rocky shore” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Gavory A (2003) “Space-time properties of microphytobenthos distribution of microphytobenthos” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Prevost G (2002) “Effect of microscale turbulence on grazing rates of the calanoid copepod Temora longicornis” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Hedin S (2001) “Effects of wind regimes on Phaeocystis sp. blooms in the Eastern English Channel” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Denis V (1998) “Feeding behavior of the calanoid copepod Temora longicornis” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Berreville F (1997) “Heterogeneity of the distribution of the copepod Temora longicornis in a turbulent environment” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Harlay J (1997) “Intermittency of zooplankton distribution in a turbulent environment” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.


Vignolle B (1996) “Experimental study of the effect of turbulence on the pelagic ecosystem” Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France.