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Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2019) Rationalising the occurrence rate of serious and adverse reactions events following blood transfusion and its temporal evolution. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 26, 72.
Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2019) Development of quality indices for blood transfusion. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 26, 102.
Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2018) A national approach of the mathematisation of the relation between blood transfusions and serious and adverse reactions events: what do we learn from regional specificities? Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 25, 336.
Seuront L & Seuront-Scheffbuch D (2018) Size rules life, but does it in the assessment of medical vigilance best practice? Towards a testable hypothesis. Physica A, 505, 707-715. PDF
Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2017) A time-series analysis of serious and adverse reactions events following blood transnfusion in Picardie (2004-2015). Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 23, 318.
Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2017) Towards a mathematisation of the relation between blood transfusions and serious and adverse reactions events. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 23, 317-318.