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The information contained in these directories are included by the contributing authors as a mechanism to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly/technical information on a non-commerical basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors and/or publishers, despite the fact they have offered this information for viewing electronically. It is understood that all individuals reading this information will adhere to the terms/ constraints invoked by the copyright holders. Publications may not be copied for commercial redistribution, republication, or dissemination without the explicit permission of the copyright holders.



Rogers P, Huveneers C, Page B, Goldsworthy S, Coyne M, Lowther A, Mitchell JR & Seuront L (2015) Living on the continental shelf edge: habitat use of juvenile shortfin makos Isurus oxyrinchus in the Great Australian Bight, southern Australia. Fisheries Oceanography, 24, 205-218. PDF


Beckmann CL, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, Stone DAJ, Huveneers C (2014) From egg to hatchling: preferential retention of fatty acid biomarkers in neonate sharks. Journal of Fish Biology, 85, 944-952. PDF


 Huveneers C, Rogers PJ, Beckmann C, Semmens J, Bruce B & Seuront L (2013) The effects of cage-diving activities of the fine-scale swimming behavior and space use of white sharks. Marine Biology, 160, 2863-2875. PDF


Rogers, PJ, Huveneers C, Goldsworthy SD, Mitchell JG & Seuront L (2013) Broad-scale movements and pelagic habitat of the dusky sharks Carcharhinus obscurus off southern Australia determined using pop-up satellite archival tags. Fisheries Oceanography, doi :10.1111/fog.12009 PDF


Beckman CL, Mitchell JG, Seuront L, Stone D & Huveneers C (2013) Experimental evaluation of fatty acid profiles as a technique to determine dietary composition in benthic elasmobranchs. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 86, 266-278. PDF


Rogers, PJ, Huveneers C, Goldsworthy SD, Cheung WWL, Jones KG, Mitchell JG & Seuront L (2013) Population metrics and movement of two sympatric carcharhinids: a comparison of the vulnerability of pelagic sharks of the southern Australian gulfs and shelves. Marine and Freshwater Research, 64, 20-30. PDF


Rogers PJ, Huveneers C, Page B, Hamer DJ, Goldsworthy SD, Mitchell JG & Seuront L (2012) A quantitative comparison of the diets of sympatric pelagic sharks in gulf and shelf ecosystems off southern Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69, 1382-1393. PDF


Geistdoerfer P & Seuront L (1995). Redescription and biology study of Thermarces cerberus (Zoarcidae) of hydrothermal vents of East Pacific Ridge. Cybium, 19, 167-178.