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Note: Rheology is the study of how materials deform, particularly those materials not conforming to ideal solid or ideal liquid models. By extension, thalassorheology concerns the rheology of seawater and other natural waters.
Jenkinson IR, Seuront L & Elias F (2018) Biological modification of surface-microlayer mechanical properties, including waves, ripples, foam and air-sea fluxes. Elementa-The Science of the Anthropocene, 6, 26. PDF
Jenkinson IR, Sun XX & Seuront L (2015) Thalassorheology, organic matter and plankton: towards a more viscous approach in plankton rheology. Journal of Plankton Research, 37, 1100-1109. PDF
Seuront L, Leterme SC, Seymour JS, Mitchell JG, Ashcroft D, Noble W, Thompson PG, Davidson AT, van den Enden R, Scott FJ, Wright SW, Chapperon C & Cribb N (2010) Role of microbial and phytoplanktonic communities in the control of seawater viscosity off West Antarctica (30-80°W). Deep-Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.09.018. PDF
Seuront L & Vincent D (2008) Impact of a Phaeocystis globosa spring bloom on Temora longicornis feeding and swimming behaviours. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 363, 131-145. PDF
Kesaulya I, Leterme SC, Mitchell JG & Seuront L (2008) The impact of turbulence on foam formation, seawater viscosity and chlorophyll concentration in the Eastern English Channel. Oceanologia, 50, 167-182. PDF
Seuront L, Lacheze C, Doubell MJ, Seymour JR, Van Dongen V, Newton K, Alderkamp AC & Mitchell JG (2007) The influence of Phaeocystis globosa on microscale spatial patterns of chlorophyll a and bulk-phase seawater viscosity. Biogeochemistry, 83, 173-188. PDF
Seuront L, Vincent D & Mitchell JG (2006) Biologically-induced modification of seawater viscosity in the Eastern English Channel during a Phaeocystis globosa spring bloom. Journal of Marine Systems, 61, 118-133. PDF