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Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2017) A time-series analysis of serious and adverse reactions events following blood transnfusion in Picardie (2004-2015). Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 23, 318.
Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2017) Towards a mathematisation of the relation between blood transfusions and serious and adverse reactions events. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 23, 317-318.
Lathlean JA, Seuront L & Ng TPT (2017) On the edge: the use of infrared thermography in monitoring responses of intertidal organisms to heat stress. Ecological Indicators, 81, 567-577. PDF
Seuront L & Cribb N (2017) Fractal analysis provides new insights into the complexity of marine mammal behaviour: a review, two methods, their application to diving and surfacing patterns and their relevance to marine mammal welfare assessment. Marine Mammal Science, 33, 847-879. PDF
Ng TPT, Lau SLY, Seuront L, Davies MS, Stafford R, Marshall DJ & Williams GA (2017) Linking behaviour and climate change in intertidal ectotherms: insights from littorinid snails. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 492, 121-131. PDF