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Seuront L (2018) Microplastic leachates impair behavioural vigilance and predator avoidance in a temperate intertidal gastropod. Biology Letters, 14: 20180453. PDF
McCloud CL, Imail HN & Seuront L (2018). Cue hierarchy in the foraging behavior of the brackish cladoceran Daphniopsis australis. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36 , 2050-2060. PDF
Newton K, Jeffries TC, Smith RJ, Seymour JR, Seuront L & Mitchell JG (2018) Taxonomic and metabolic shifts in the Coorong bacterial meta genome driven by salinity and external inputs. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36, 2033-2049. PDF
Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront L (2018) A national approach of the mathematisation of the relation between blood transfusions and serious and adverse reactions events: what do we learn from regional specificities? Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 25, 336.
Seuront L, Moisez E, Hennion C, Seuront-Scheffbuch D & Seuront LMY (2018) Littorina littorea show small-scale persistent tidal height and habitat partitioning that is resilient to dislodgment through specific movement rates. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 509, 24-35. PDF
Seuront L, Ng NPT & Lathlean JA (2018) The recent history of infrared thermography, a review of the thermal biology and ecology of molluscs, and some perspectives on the uses of infrared thermography in molluscan research. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 84, 203-232. PDF
Seuront L & Seuront-Scheffbuch D (2018) Size rules life, but does it in the assessment of medical vigilance best practice? Towards a testable hypothesis. Physica A, 505, 707-715. PDF
Cribb N, Bartram P, Bartram T& Seuront L (2018) New evidence for bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.) population connectivity between Kangaroo Island and South Australian mainland waters. Open Journal of Marine Science, 8, 38-50. PDF
Jenkinson IR, Seuront L & Elias F (2018) Biological modification of surface-microlayer mechanical properties, including waves, ripples, foam and air-sea fluxes. Elementa-The Science of the Anthropocene, 6, 26. PDF